greetings from LEGOLAND!
We had a fantastic day. The kids did an amazing job with their project and showing their robot design. The judges were impressed. We had a perfect practice run but luck was not on our side at the competition tables. A combination of challenge model malfunction and robot wonkiness kept us from getting our potential score. But I'm still very proud of my team. Everyone had a good time and took the performance issues in stride. No trophy this year, but we'll be back.
And to cap off a perfect day, Dianna surprised me with my anniversary present, the Millenium Falcon!
Great job team! And thanks to all the parents and mentors for helping make this day happen.
1 comment:
We want to give you a big thank you for all your time, patience, and hard work you put into this year's competition. I don't know how you did it, but we ALL appreciete you. And thank you to Dianna for letting everyone invade your house and being so welcoming to everyone. You two are the best and your children are such great kids too.
We would love to host the team party at our house this time if you didn't have other plans. Maybe we could BBQ. Let us know what you are thinking.
It was a great time at Legoland and I guess you can't be perfect everytime. But they were all so wonderful and should be very proud of themselves.
Gayle Lizarraga
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